Welcome to Checkers Life

A Gift to our community

"You ain't gotta strangle yourself to play better checkers. You gotta breathe, man."
- Marvin J. Mavin

How it all started

Checkers Life

(Previously known as iCheckers.net)

I have always wanted to improve my game and "study" checkers, but I could never take the time to sit down and teach myself by reading books. That's why I created Checkers Life.

This website allows you to study games by watching it played out on an animated board. My hope is that this will motivate younger players, or players too lazy to study, like myself.

What's included?

This website includes THOUSANDS of games which have been archived by checker enthusiasts over the years. Everything from Games included in books, to games played in tournaments, to games played online. I hope you enjoy this website as much as I do and I look forward to playing a game with you sometime. Find my favorite place to play here: