Themes in checkers

page 1 of 3 more themes: page 2 | page 3

This page contains checkers problems organised in themes. Basis of this page is an excellent book by Ben Boland. A critic once wrote : 'Mr. Boland, we raise our hands in salute to your master piece.'. Once I started a page on these what I called then 'techniques-to-remember' but it was only a feeble attempt compared to what is presented in this book, so I started over and present you with the finest and best organised Familiar Themes of checkers!

Not all themes have names so those I numbered as the appear in the book. Let me know if you know a name for these unnamed ones. I expect to have about 50 (!) themes once I have created more pages like these. The starred (*) themes are not in Ben Boland's book.

The first link should show the theme clearly, the other links show the same idea.

1. Supported 2 for 1

Supported 2 for 1

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
2. The Double Steal

The Double Steal

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
3. Drinkwater's Position

Familiar Theme 3

White to win.

Example 2

4. The Vise

The Vise

White to win.
Red to win.

Example 2
Example 3
5. Bryden's Position

Familiar Theme 5

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
6. The Squeeze

Familiar Theme 6

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3

7. Brooklyn Stroke

Brooklyn Stroke

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
Willie's Switcher Stroke
8. Raw's Position

Familiar Theme 8

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
9. Familiar Theme 9

Familiar Theme 9

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3

10. Stealing The Man

Familiar Theme 10

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
11. Ace In The Hole

Familiar Theme 8

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
12. Hobson's Choice

Hobson's Choice

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3

13. The Block

The Block

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
14. Graham's Position

Graham's Position

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3
15. Changing the Guard

Changing the Guard

White to win.

Example 2
Example 3

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