Standard Positions

There are certain elementary positions in checkers that come up over and over again in crossboard play and for this reason they have become known as 'Standard Positions'. A thorough study of these positions will give you a sound foundation upon which to build your game and will help you understand some of the basic principles of the end-game.

Many world famous players have tripped upon these positions, allowed draws when they should have won, lost when they should have drawn. If they are difficult enough to fool the masters they certainly deserve the attention and the respect of the average player!

We suggest that you spend plenty of time on these Standard Positions as they are a liberal education in checkers strategy.

First Position

First Position

White to play.
Second Position

Second Position

White to play.
Third Position

Third Position

Red to play.

Fourth Position

Fourth Position

Red to play.
Payne's Draw

Payne's Draw

White to draw.
Fifth Position

Fifth Position

Red to draw.

To come: Sixth Position, Johnson's Position, Strickland's Position, Bowen's Twins, and Petterson's Drawbridge.